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Christian Science Healing

Angela Sage Larsen CS.png

What is Christian Science and

what does a Christian Science Practioner do?

Mary Baker Eddy discovered the law that was the foundation of Christ Jesus' healing ministry; she discovered it is a universal law available to all, regardless of religious beliefs, race, personal history. She called her discovery Christian Science, A Christian Science Practitioner applies the law of divine Love through prayer (called Christian Science treatment) to those who ask who are searching for healing. Find out more about Christian Science and what a practitioner does here.


Fifteen minute phone consultation, no treatment: $25.00

Christian Science treatment: $40 (after 7 consecutive days, price reduction $30)

In person visit: $60/hour

You are meant to flourish

Bible Study

Ancient texts, timeless wisdom passed down through the centuries, prophecies promised and fulfilled, the underprivileged rescuing the civilization who oppressed them; the seediest side of human nature revealed and reformed, tales of love, power, and hope. A literary analyst’s dream, sin’s worst nightmare, the spiritual thinker’s haven, the healer’s guidebook. â€‹


The Bible may be the most controversial book ever written. Is it about purity or corruption? Love or hate? Redemption or damnation? Yes! is the answer. "Alternately transported and alarmed by abstruse problems of Scripture, we are liable to turn from them as impractical, or beyond the ken of mortals, — and past finding out. Our thoughts of the Bible utter our lives" (Mary Baker Eddy, Message for 1902). This timeless tome is the story of mankind's spiritual journey collectively...and when we look closely at the Scriptures and honestly at ourselves, we see how it perfectly illustrates our own individual journey. This book is a map to coming home to our true spiritual selves, capable and worthy of infinite good.


The teachings of Christian Science are firmly rooted in the Bible. Christian Scientists who become members of The Mother Church agree to this religious tenet: "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life."
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, 497:3). For more information about the Bible as pastor (along with Science and Health), visit this page.


Living and loving are synonymous, isn't that amazing? Mary Baker Eddy,  the discoverer of the Science--divine laws--of Christianity, Jesus' teachings--said that "Love alone is Life." The Love she is referring to is the same Love St. John means, "God is love." Any time we are afraid--not experiencing love fully--we are not living fully, and vice versa. How essential, then, to live a life of love, or a life without fear.  "Christian scientific practice begins with Christ's keynote of harmony, 'Be not afraid!' (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, 410:29–30) Christian Science Practitioners address fear in every treatment (scientific prayer) to clear the way for a more substantial understanding of Love...and the result is healing.


... unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; ...
                                                                                                     (Malachi 4:2 unto (to ;))


These definitions of flourish are what makes it my favorite word:

  • To thrive; to grow luxuriantly; to increase and enlarge, as a healthy growing plant.

  • To grow in grace and in good works; to abound in the consolations of religion.

  • to break forth as a bud blossoming; to spread, specifically to fly, as extending the wings.


As in: "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord [consciousness of Love] shall flourish in the courts of our God." Ps. 92:13


To me, this is what healing is. There's truly no point to a spiritual practice if you don't experience healing, actual personal spiritual growth, actual tangible, reliable results, actual progress. Healing happens in the flash of an a-ha moment when we understand something so undeniable about goodness and reality that there's no more room for suffering; or it happens over a period of patient (not always patient!), earnest strife, major mental housecleaning, and epic shifts of thought that may be as invisible but as powerful as an iceberg carving a valley. No two instances of spiritual healing are the same, nor do they leave us where they found us! Find out more about how a Christian Science healing happens in this article from Christian Science Sentinel.


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