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Why Stories?

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

When we see something unusual or impactful, we may find ourselves asking, "What's the story?"

One day when communicating about a lawyer for Petalwink with another lawyer, a blue jay hovered outside my window like a hummingbird, then landed on the vertical pane divider!! I’ve never seen anything like it!! Now a blue jay landed just above my studio window on the gutter and looked in on me. I couldn’t help think, “What’s the story?”

Stories rule out chaos

I realized there had to be a story, it couldn’t just be some random bird at my window for no good reason, that would just be chaos. Then it dawned on me. That’s why we have and need stories. Because stories rule out chaos. Stories are structure; stories show why things happen and reassure us there is a reason for everything, there is meaning, and where we fit in.

I’m reminded of Christ Jesus’ parables. When preaching publicly about the kingdom of heaven, Matthew and Mark say he didn’t teach without using parables [All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: (Matt. 13:34)]. His messages were cradled in structure, meaning, context so they could be safely delivered and readily received. Petalwink’s message is enfolded in the structure of Love. Like church or marriage, the security of truth is in its surrounding flood tides of Love.

Stories make us "immune to oblivion"

Stories—to tie some themes I’ve been cherishing lately—also serve to make us “immune to oblivion,” the definition of memory. Stories are how we remember that it’s going to work out (because it did in the past), or if it doesn’t work out the way we think it should, helps us remember we made it through, we are still safe. That even if we don’t immediately see the “reason,” for something, it is still there, serving us and lifting us higher, all for the glory of God Herself.

“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” The “always has met” are the stories we remember and tell, “Thus to myself of Him I’ll say, He is my guardian, shield, and stay,” so that we can be confident in the “will meet”— “My God in Him I will confide.”

Stories remind us we are safe

The language of Spirit”

Stories are God’s word, the language of Spirit. A story represents more than what the words that constitute it say. The structure itself communicates a message of order, rightness, security; so even if the words must paint a dark mental image, we are safe because we know that is not the end, and the illustration isn’t touching us, it is only to make a point, passing us through to the true message which is real.

Stories reassure

Because stories are a spiritual concept, mortal mind would try to reverse and inverse them for confusion, obstruction, darkness. But because stories are used by Christ to communicate safety and reassurance, education and love of good to man, they cannot be used for animal magnetism’s malicious purposes to terrorize, divide, and give activity to evil. God’s Word, Christ, and His means of disseminating the Word, the Holy Ghost are not subject to any phase of mortality.


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